Function: Evaluate
FE Function: Evaluate | |
Assess or appraise | Form a judgement based on evidence or triangulation of different perspectives |
Conclude | Make a judgement or decision, or summarise main arguments at the close of a text |
Criticise | Question a given piece of information, theory or view; point out defects or omissions, show errors |
Critique: an argument or position | Discuss points for and against, offering evidence; elaborate the argument or position if appropriate |
Critique: a text or other work | Discuss how effects are achieved; assess how specific features support (or fail to support) the overall creative endeavour |
Discuss | Present a range of information/views with comments and judgements: argue the case for and against |
Elaborate or develop | Present new aspects of an argument or position; consider in greater detail |
Evaluate | Assess the value or impact of, considering evidence from a range of perspectives |
Hypothesise | Develop an explanation accounting for all the evidence; OR offer a speculative explanation subject to further evidence |
Interpret | Explain possible meanings of, make clear and explicit (usually using your own judgement) |
Propose or recommend | Make a recommendation for future action based on arguments or evidence presented |
Reflect | Consider from a personal perspective including beliefs, intentions, feelings, judgements and memories; consider the learning experience itself |
Synthesise | Combine several arguments or sources of evidence to reach a more complex or holistic assessment |
Triangulate | Assess by reference to data from different methods and sources |